Channel: ECLIPSE
Category: Entertainment
Tags: x1 flash엑스원움직여producex101케이팝kpop in publicpretty girl지코minhee한결엠넷조승연이한결kpop dancefull dancehangyuldongpyoizone강민희dancepretty pretty송형준손동표seungyeonmovezico프로듀스mnethyungjoondance in publicwoodzkpopproduce x 101sixcwanna onedance cover이뻐이뻐x1크레파스flash
Description: With the recent news of X1, we wanted to honor some of our favorite moments from Produce X 101 this year with a tribute medley of Move and Pretty Girl! We hope that these will bring back fond memories of their journey (Dancers in the description!) Dancers | @instagram -------------------- Move | 움직여 Byeongchan - Sarah | @sk.gif Hangyul - Lance | @lancelalisan Hyunbin - Madi | @madilxuise Jinhyuk - Michelle | @themellebox Kookhun - Stanton | @stantonkatsu Seungyeon - Phat | @phat_pham96 Pretty Girl | 이뻐이뻐 Dongpyo - Lia | @liadelemos Hyungjoon - Sarah | @sk.gif Jungmo - Lance | @lancelalisan Jinwoo - Justin | @4m4zn Minhee - Madi | @madilxuise Wonjin - Stanton | @stantonkatsu Directors -------------------- Sarah | @sk.gif Brandon | @toastedblt Lia | @liadelemos Phat | @phat_pham96 Videographer -------------------- Miguel | @miggy._.smallz Youtube Channel: Support Us -------------------- Patreon | Follow Us -------------------- Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | This video is used only for entertainment purposes. We do not own any of the music or choreography. #KPOPINPUBLIC #X1 #PRODUCEX101